San Antonio, Texas

Fall 2012 - Calculus III

Lecture Handouts & Slides

9/6 Diagrams:  Introductory graphs*
9/11 Diagrams:  A few more graphs*
9/13 Diagrams:  Graphing partial derivatives*
Diagrams:  Tangent planes*
9/18 Diagrams:  Directional derivatives*
Diagrams:  The gradient and contours*
9/25 Diagrams:  An implicit surface*
10/4 Diagrams:  Lagrange multipliers*
10/9 Diagrams:  Riemann sums in two variables*
10/18 Diagrams:  Regions of integration in R3*
10/30 Diagrams:  Spherical ''rectangles''*
11/6 Diagrams:  Derivatives of vector functions*
Diagrams:  Vector fields*
11/8 Diagrams:  Riemann sums of contour integrals*
11/15 Diagrams:  Line integrals of vector fields*
12/4 Lecture:  Stokes' and Gauss' Theorems

*These files require the software package Maple, which is widely available across campus.


Questions and comments concerning this page are to be addressed to rdaileda at trinity dot edu.