San Antonio, Texas

Spring 2012 - Partial Differential Equations


  • Unfortunately, the university won't allow me to reserve a room for an official Q&A session during finals week, and the lack of "free" classrooms in MMS prevents me from holding an unofficial session, so it seems we'll have to do without.
  • Office hours during reading days and finals week will be held as follows.
    • Monday:  2:00 - 4:00pm
    • Tuesday:  4:00 - 6:00pm
    • Wednesday:  2:00 - 4:00pm
    • Thursday:  3:30 - 5:00pm
    • Friday:  1:00 - 2:00pm
    • And by appointment
  • Details about the final exam are available on the exam information page.  Check back soon for practice problems and details about the Q&A session.
  • The third midterm exam has been postponed until 4/24.
  • Details about the third midterm exam have been posted to the exam information page.  Check back later for practice problems!
  • The first project has been posted to the assignments page, and is due on Thursday, March 29.
  • The second midterm was returned in class on Tuesday, March 20.  Solutions have been posted to TLEARN.
  • The second midterm is rapidly approaching!  It will take place in class on Thursday, March 8.  Check the exam information page for more details.
  • The first midterm exam has been graded and will be returned in class on Thursday.  Solutions have been posted to TLEARN.
  • The review session for the first midterm exam will be held on Sunday, 2/5, from 3:00 to 4:30 pm, in NH 214.  Note that this is not the room that was announced in class on Thursday.
  • More information about the first midterm exam, including a set of practice problems, has been posted on the exam information page.
  • The first midterm exam is approaching quickly!  It will be held in class on Tuesday, Febraury 7.  Details will be posted shortly to the exam information page.
  • Effective Tuesday, January 24, section 2 will now meet in the Center for the Sciences and Innovation, room 448.
  • Regularly scheduled office hours will begin on Tuesday, January 17.  Prior to that office hours will take place on Friday, January 13, from noon until 1pm, or by appointment.
  • Because the new Center for the Sciences and Innovation is not yet ready, Section 2 (12:45 - 2:00) of our class will be meeting in CLS 149 until further notice.

Course Links

Homework Exam Information Important Dates
Office Hours Resources Syllabus (pdf)

Questions and comments concerning this page are to be addressed to rdaileda at trinity dot edu.