San Antonio, Texas

Spring 2014 - Partial Differential Equations

phenomenon An asymmetric 
vibrating membrane


  • The third midterm exam will be held on Tuesday, April 29.  Check the exam information page for more information (and to download a copy of a previous exam).
  • Dr. Daileda will be out of town starting Tuesday afternoon (4/22).  Office hours will resume at their usual time on Monday, 4/28.
  • Office hours on Saturday (4/12) will be moved to 2-4pm.  On Monday (4/14) they will be moved to 11-1pm.
  • To avoid conflicting with the Good Friday holiday, the due date for the second project has been extended to April 21.
  • The second project has been posted to the assignments page.  Get in groups of up to 4 students, and get started soon!
  • My standing Tueday office hours have changed to 3:30 - 4:30pm.  In addition, I will be unable to hold office hours on Wednesday, April 2.
  • The second midterm exam will be held on Thursday, March 27.  Check the exam information page for more information (and to download a copy of a previous exam).
  • Need a few extra days to finish up Project 1?  Its due date has been extended to Saturday, March 22.
  • The first project has been posted to the assignments page.  Get in groups of up to 4 students, and get started soon!
  • The first midterm exam will be held on Thursday, February 13.  Check the exam information page for the details.
  • Welcome to PDEs!

Course Links

Homework Exam Information Important Dates
Office Hours Resources Syllabus (pdf)

Questions and comments concerning this page are to be addressed to rdaileda at trinity dot edu.