San Antonio, Texas

Spring 2015 - Partial Differential Equations

phenomenon An asymmetric 
vibrating membrane


  • The overall score distribution for the entire course has been posted to the exam information page.
  • Please note that the final exam is scheduled to take place in RCC 320 instead of our usual classroom.
  • Office hours this Wednesday (4/22) will be held 2:30-4:00pm instead of their usual time.
  • The second group project has been posted on the assignments page and is due on April 23.
  • The second midterm exam was returned in class on Tuesday, 4/7.  General results can be found on the exam information page.
  • The second midterm exam will be held in class on Tuesday, March 31 (note the change in date).  More details are available on the exam information page.
  • To make up for my absence last week, I will be holding extra office hours on Sunday, 3/22, from 4 to 6 pm.
  • I found this image on a math-themed Facebook page.  Could you solve for an and bn?
  • The Maple worksheet links on the resources page have been repaired, and now point to files that actually exist!
  • The first midterm exam was returned in class on Tuesday, 2/17.  General results can be found on the exam information page.
  • The first group project has been posted on the assignments page and is due on March 3.
  • By popular (and not unreasonable) demand, Monday office hours will now be regularly held 3:30-5:00pm, and future homework assignments will be collected on Thursdays.
  • Office hours on 1/21 and 1/28 (both Wednesdays) will be held 2:00-3:30pm instead of their regularly scheduled time.
  • Welcome to PDEs!
  • Recent announcements only

Course Links

Homework Exam Information Important Dates
Office Hours Resources Syllabus (pdf)

Questions and comments concerning this page are to be addressed to rdaileda at trinity dot edu.