San Antonio, Texas

Spring 2017 - Introduction to Abstract Mathematics

I have had my results for a long time, but I do not yet know how to arrive at them.” --Carl Friedrich Gauss

Mathematics is the science of skillful operations with concepts and rules invented just for this purpose.” --Eugene Wigner

Proof in mathematics is a creative process.  What can one resonably expect to create in 5 minutes?” --Anonymous


  • Due to the cancellation of the first midterm originally scheduled for 2/15, I will be handing out an alternate take-home exam in class this Wednesday, 2/22.  It will cover the same material as the original exam, and will likely be closed book/notes and timed.  I'll specify the due date when I hand out the exams on Wednesdays.  If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
  • The first exam is quickly approaching!  For more information, including what it will cover and where it will take place, consult the exam information page.
  • Since it seemed to give everyone so much trouble, I posted an alternate solution to exercise 4.3.3 on the homework page, called Handout 1.  In it I provide a direct proof of a stronger result which immediately implies 4.3.3 as a consequence.  I tried to write it as generally as possible, so you may find it easier to follow if you assume all the numbers involved are real!

Course Links

Homework Exam Information Important Dates
Office Hours Syllabus

Questions and comments concerning this page are to be addressed to rdaileda at trinity dot edu.