San Antonio, Texas

Spring 2017 - Introduction to Abstract Mathematics


Textbook:  How to Prove It:  A Structured Approach (2nd ed.) by Daniel J. Velleman

Course Content:  This is a course in logical reasoning, mathematical syntax and terminology, and precise communication of mathematical ideas.  We will begin with elementary logic, focusing on the fundamental techniques used to prove mathematical statements.  We will then apply these techniques to selected topics in set theory, abstract algebra and real analysis.

Learning Outcomes:  This course fulfills the Written Communication core capacity requirement of the Pathways Curriculum.  Students successfully completing this course will demonstrate their ability to:  write a sustained academic work with appropriate use of evidence and developed reasoning to support an argument; improve their writing in response to feedback; craft prose that conforms to the conventions of the mathematical discipline.

Homework:  Homework assignments will be posted to the course homework page following each lecture.  All homework is to be completed prior to the beginning of the lecture when it is due.  Late homework will not be accepted in the absence of divine intervention or matters of similar weight, and will be penalized as I see fit.  All homework assignments will carry equal weight toward the homework component of your grade (see below).

Homework is to be written neatly, and multiple pages should be stapled together before you come to class.  Do not use paper from a spiral notebook.  Grading will be especially rigorous, with attention paid not only to mathematical content, but also specifically to effective written communication.  This includes grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.  Failure to adhere to these guidelines will be penalized.  Unorganized, sloppy or illegible work will not be graded! 

Collaboration on homework assignments is permitted and encouraged, and you are free to consult any individual or source that you find helpful.  However, simply copying the work of another is unacceptable.  Attempting to pass off the work of others (regardless of the source) as your own will be considered a violation of the honor code. 

Exams:  There will be three evening exams during the semester, as well as a cumulative final exam.  The dates and times for the exams are as follows:

First Exam February 15, 7--9 pm
Second Exam March 23, 7--9 pm
Third Exam April 25, 7--9 pm
Final Exam May 8, 12--3 pm

If you have a legitimate conflict with any of these times, please notify me as soon as possible so that alternate arrangements can be made in a timely fashion.

Students are permitted to obtain copies of exams given in previous semesters.  However, these exams should not be used to judge the content or difficulty of the exams that will be given in this course. 

Grades:  Your course grade will be based upon the scores on the homework, projects, exams, and the final exam as follows:

Homework 30%
Exams 15% (each)
Final Exam 25%

Attendance:  Attendance is expected but is not mandatory.  Roll will not be taken, but excessive absences should be explained to me. 

Academic Integrity: All students are covered by the Trinity University Honor Code which prohibits dishonesty in academic work.  Under the Honor Code, a faculty member will (or a student may) report an alleged violation to the Academic Honor Council.  It is the task of the Council to investigate, adjudicate, and assign a punishment within certain guidelines if a violation has been verified.  Students who are under the Honor Code are required to pledge all written work that is submitted for a grade: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this work” and their signature.  The pledge may be abbreviated “pledged” with a signature. 

The specifics of the Honor Code, its underlying philosophy, and the norms for sanctioning can all be found on the Academic Honor Council website, accessed through the Trinity Homepage:

Special Needs:  If you have a documented disability and will need accommodations in this class, please speak with me privately early in the semester so I may be prepared to meet your needs.  If you have not already registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS), contact the office at 999-7411 or  You must be registered with SAS before I can provide accommodations. 


Questions and comments concerning this page are to be addressed to rdaileda at trinity dot edu.