Course Descriptions
- 1190 - Putnam Exam Seminar
- 1301 - PreCalculus
- 1307 - Calculus I for Life and Social
- 1308 - Calculus II for Life and Social
- 1310 - Mathematics for Decision
- 1311 - Calculus I
- 1312 - Calculus II
- 1320 - Statistical Methods
- 2303 - Math for Elementary School
- 2321 - Calculus III
- 2324 - Numerical Calculus
- 3310 - Mathematical Models
in Life Sciences
- 3311 - Probabilistic Models
in Life Sciences
- 3323 - Linear Algebra
- 3326 - Introduction to Abstract
- 3334 - Probability
- 3335 - Mathematical Statistics
- 3336 - Differential
Equations & Linear Algebra
- 3338 - Mathematical Modeling
Formulation, analysis, and interpretation of models arising in the life, physical, or social
sciences. The actual source for the models will depend upon the interests of the instructor.
Mathematical topics will include one or more of the following areas: linear algebra,
differential equations, difference equations, numerical analysis, statistics, stochastic
processes, and optimization. Fall. Prerequisites: MATH 3323, 3336, knowledge of computer
programming or permission of the instructor.
- 3341 - Number Theory I
- 3343 - Combinatorics I
- 3351 - Numerical Analysis
I & II
- 3355 - Non-Euclidean Geometry
- 3357 - Partial Differential Equations
- 3359 - Difference Equations
- 3360 - Real Analysis I
- 3362 - Modern Algebra I
- 3366 - Differential Equations
- 3x90 - Reading and
- 4324 - Linear Algebra II
- 4336 - Stochastic Processes
- 4342 - Number Theory II
- 4344 - Combinatorics II
- 4361 - Real Analysis II
- 4363 - Modern Algebra II
- 4364 - Theory of Complex Variables
- 4365 - Topology
- 4367 - Dynamical Systems
- 4391 - Special Topics
- 2094 - Major's Seminar
- 3194 - Junior Writing Workshop Seminar
- 4394 - Senior Project
- 4398/4399 - Honors Thesis