MATH xx94 - Majors' Seminar
Course Information
- Syllabus
- Other information about this course can be found on the university's N-Drive.
Course Resources
- Past senior projects - Below is a selection of past senior projects which are representative of the quality for which the department
strives. This is an excellent resource for students looking for sample senior projects. The projects themselves
represent a wide variety of topics and mathematical sophistication, and they are listed in alphabetical order with respect to the
student authors.
Sample LaTeX files and tutorials
Beamer Presentation - A sample presentation by Dr. Balreira written in Beamer.
Beamer Presentation LaTeX - The LaTeX file used to produce the Beamer presentation above. To compile it properly
you will also need to download several picture files provided below.
Pictures - The picture files that are called by the LaTeX file for the Beamer talk. In order
for the file to compile properly the pictures in MPFig must be saved in a directory of the same name.
Beamer Handout - A short version of the Beamer presentation above.
Beamer Template - Another version of the Beamer presentation, with pictures removed,
intended to serve as a template for other presentations.
Beamer Template LaTeX - The LaTeX file used to produce the Beamer presentation template above.
Geometric Analysis - A sample article written in LaTeX.
Geometric Analysis LaTeX - The LaTeX file used to produce the preceding article. In
order for it to compile properly you will also need the picture file Mountain_Pass.eps, which is available through the Pictures link above.
LaTeX Symbol List - A very extensive list of the symbols available in LaTeX.
Beamer User Guide - A guide to Beamer for the more advanced user.
Knot Theory Talk: Full presentation given by Dr. Balreira on Knot Theory
and sample Project Problems. LaTeX code available here, figures available
upon request.
Printable Knot Theory Talk: A version of the presentation given by Dr. Balreira on
Knots, suitable for printing.